How to Set Up Marketplace

Set up marketplace in Installation

OpenPAI Marketplace can store job examples and templates. You can use Marketplace to run-and-learn others' sharing jobs, save template or share your jobs. In OpenPAI v1.6.0 or later, admin can deploy the marketplace in OpenPAI installation step by setting enable_marketplace: "true" in config.yaml under the OpenPAI Customized Settings.

config.yaml example

user: forexample
password: forexample
docker_image_tag: v1.5.0

# Optional

#                    OpenPAI Customized Settings                      #
# enable_hived_scheduler: true
# enable_docker_cache: false
# docker_cache_storage_backend: "azure" # or "filesystem"
# docker_cache_azure_account_name: ""
# docker_cache_azure_account_key: ""
# docker_cache_azure_container_name: "dockerregistry"
# docker_cache_fs_mount_path: "/var/lib/registry"
# docker_cache_remote_url: ""
# docker_cache_htpasswd: ""
enable_marketplace: "true"

# ...

Make sure the setting of enable_marketplace was "true" (include the quotation marks), and finish the installation, the marketplace will be set up.

Set up marketplace in a OpenPAI cluster and advance settings

Please refer to OpenPAI Marketplace Doc for Admins